I met Kim Terrell in Budapest at the first Integral European Conference in 2014. Later, she called me up to see if I would edit her website, Voices & Visionaries. Kim is a professional writer (“pen for hire”) herself, but wisely recognizes that she (as do all writers, really) needs an editor to polish things up and make them pop. I love when she says, “Heidi, work your magic on this one.”
I always get a thrill when I see an email from Kim with a new piece to edit. I never know where it might take me: to the thick of a solidarity march in Paris, the inner world of a painter, poet, or playwright, a review of old-fashioned murder mysteries, or to the intriguing region of Périgord in southwestern France that Kim calls home.
Check out Kim Terrell's website, Voices & Visionaries, for inspiration and a look at the inner world of creative artists in Kim's in-depth interviews with playwrights, painters, writers, and actors from all parts of the world. Kim is a no-nonsense New Yorker, with a discerning mind, big heart, and flair for cultural perspective, who lives in Southern France.